Mini Brittany Fest Galway 2022

Degemer matFailte Welcome!

The Galway Lorient Twinning committee is delighted to present the Mini Brittany Fest 2022. The program includes a range of events and activities to celebrate the Celtic connections and friendships shared since 1975 when the twinning was first established and signed between Mairie de Lorient and Galway City Council.

The month of May – and most particularly dates around the 19th of May – mark the celebration of St Yves. Yvo, Yves, or Ives (and in Breton Erwan, Iwan, Youenn or Eozenn depending on the region), known as Yves Hetory, is patron of Brittany and referred to as “Advocate of the Poor”. Many Bretons in France and around the world get together to celebrate their region, culture, heritage and language on this the equivalent of St Patrick’s Day for our Breton friends. From the 7th to the 14th of May several events and activities will take place in Galway such as a Sean Nós workshop, trad and Breton sessions, Breton Dancers from Lorient, outdoor games, an art workshop with HANGAR’T from Pont Aven who will use photos from Old Ireland in Colour to create original paintings and a pop art exhibition of Breton Rural life, and sailing and maritime events with a French Yawl built from a replica of 1796 with the LE ROISIN and the Galway Claddagh Boats. A twinning conference will also be hosted on the 8th of May where existing Franco-Irish committees are invited to attend and work together, and we also welcome people who are interested to join or create a new committee. Enjoy the Mini Brittany Fest in Galway 2022 edition!

Contact details:


Mat an traoù? — Conas átá tú? — How are you?

Demat — Dia duit — Hello

Degemer mat — Fáilte — Welcome

Breizh — an Bhriotáin — Brittany

Yec’hed mat! — Sláinte — Cheers

Ur yezh hepken n’eo ket a-walc’h — Ní leor teanga amháin

One language is not enough

Trugarez — Go raibh maith agat — Thank you

Posters of the 2022 Mini Brittany Fest

Special Thanks to: Mick & Maeve Crehan, Aideen & Niall McNelis, Rose Finn, Galway West End, Lisa Regan, Paul & Mary Grealish, Aideen & Niall McNelis, Seamus Keady, Johnny Shorten, William Cahill, Marian NI Chonghaile, Brian Sheridan, L.É. Róisín, Margot Cronin, Johanne Cahill, Christine Delacroix, Chloe Villalon, Aoife Morris, Hangar’t, Peter Connolly, Jim Horgan and all the many friends and supporters that have been involved in twinning activities.